
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie

September 24

10:00   Conducting Integrated Analyses in Mixed Methods   Research Studies

13:30   Conducting a Comprehensive Literature Review   Using a Multimodal, Ethical and Culturally   Progressive Lens


 13:30  A Meta-Framework for Conducting Mixed Methods  ImpactEvaluations

School of English for Specific Purposes

Center of Faculty Development

Mixed Methods Research Lecture Series

Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie

Professor Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie,

Department of Educational Leadership, Sam Houston State University.

Currently serving as President of the Mixed Methods International Research Association, Professor Onwuegbuziewrites extensively on an array of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodological topics. With a current h-index of 71, Professor Onwuegbuzie has secured the publication of more than 400 works, including more than 300 journal articles, 50 book chapters, and 5 books. He is currently a co-editor ofResearch in the School,and former editor ofEducational Researcher(ER). Additionally, he has delivered more than 800 presentations and 100 workshops worldwide that include more than 30 keynote addresses across six continents.

Mixed Methods Research Lecture Abstracts

Conducting Integrated Analyses in Mixed Methods Research

Onwuegbuzie and Combs (2010) developed an inclusive framework for mixed analyses that incorporates all mixed analysis typologies from the extant literature. In this session, I will demonstrate how utilizing this framework will enable researchers to conduct a more rigorous analysis of collected data by guiding their decisions pertaining to type of data collected, type of analysis appropriate for each data type, and level of data integration—leading to appropriate meta-inferences (i.e., wherein inferences stemming from both the qualitative and quantitative findings are combined into a coherent whole)

Conducting a Comprehensive Literature Review Using aMultimodal, Ethical and Culturally Progressive Lens

The purpose of this presentation is to preview a mixed research-based meta-framework—integrating mixed research techniques, ethics, Web 2.0 resources, and cultural considerations—for conducting and writing comprehensive literature reviews, applicable for graduate students, beginning researchers, and experienced researchers alike. I will summarize a step-by-step guide illustrating how to identify databases; use extensive search strategies via multiple modes; store and organize selected literature; analyze and synthesize the information using computer-assisted data analysis software programs (e.g., Excel, QDA Miner, SPSS); and present the report coherently. Each step concludes with what we describe as the CORE of the process, namely,Critical Exploration,Organization,Reflections, andEvaluation.

A Meta-Framework for Conducting Mixed Methods ImpactEvaluations

Educational interventions are becoming increasingly more complex, far-reaching, and high-stakes. Further, the notion of self-evaluation serving as one hallmark of professional conduct coupled with increased calls for accountability point to a future where evaluation use will increase. For these reasons, there is a need for an overview of evaluation that is at once comprehensive, flexible, and meets enhanced complexity. Therefore, I will provide a new and comprehensive definition, an overview of impact evaluation designs, and a meta-framework for conducting Mixed Methods Theory-Based Impact Evaluations wherein mixed methods techniques are used at every phase. Awareness of thismeta-framework potentially holds several implications for teaching evaluation in higher education, and thinking about evaluation results to inform practice.

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